Sunday, October 28, 2007

First Post!

Hello Everyone!

As the name of this blog implies, we will be talking about drugs and how they work in the body. It really is a fascinating subject. (At least I think so).

For example...Why are you supposed to take ibuprofen with food or at least a small snack? Is it because the ibuprofen tablet itself will cause a ulcer in your stomach? NO!! (Note - Here is the definition of Ulcer taken from - Peptic ulcer: A hole in the lining of the stomach, duodenum, or esophagus.

Another example...if you are diabetic, why shouldn't you take decongestants?

The answers to those and many other questions are due to how the drugs work in the body.

In addition to talking about how drugs work, we will talk about general health issues and maybe a few off the wall topics as well.

Look forward to talking with you.

Dr. Paul

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