Since the name of this blog is "How Do Drugs Work", I figured it was time again to talk about some different drugs and how they work.
Say you are not feeling well, you go to the Doctors office and you have some type of infection. Have you ever wondered how the Doctor decides which antibiotic to prescribe for you? How does the Doctor decide what strength of antibiotic to give you? Is one antibiotic better than the other?
In the upcoming series of topics I am going to discuss:
- An overview of the different types of bacteria
- Which type of bacteria can cause which type of illnesses.
- The different classes of antibiotics.
- Which classes of antibiotics work against which type of bacteria.
- How the antibiotics work to eradicate the bacteria.
- How different antibiotics work in different ways.
- How some bacteria can become immune to some antibiotics.
- Why it is important to take your antibiotics as directed.
That is a bunch of material to cover and I plan on addressing those topics in multiple posts.
Stay tuned.
Dr. Paul