Sunday, December 23, 2007

General Health Topic - Getting Fit in the New Year

Hello Everyone,

Yes, I'll have another little piece of cake, Thank You. And an extra tamale as well. Some eggnog sounds good. Margarita on the rocks will hit the spot. I really haven't eaten much, I've just been grazing at the buffet table. I am going to splurge a little... It's the holidays after all!

Sound Familiar?

I know I have a tendency to over eat during the holidays. There are so many goodies around this time of year. I can't get those little "Polvorone" cookies at any other time of the year. I have to get my fill.....Now!

The time for getting fit, eating right and taking off those unwanted pounds is just around the corner.

Getting fit in the New Year. That's the ticket!

The American Heart Association has a website that has an on-line nutrition and fitness tracker.

Find information on Start! for individuals at:

By using MyStart! Online for your free tracking tool, you can start logging your daily activity and nutrition. You’ll also receive weekly and monthly e-newsletters filled with tips and motivation to keep you moving.

It is about making small lifestyle changes for large health benefits. It helps you build regular activity and a healthy diet into your everyday life and ensures you're getting the right balance to achieve your long term goals.

There is also a section for Start! for employers. If you have a company check out:

For those that need extra little gadgets to get motivated and don't mind paying a yearly fee, you can check out:

Start thinking about those New Year goals. After that next trip through the buffet line, that is!


Dr. Paul

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