Saturday, December 22, 2007

General Health Topic - Help with Holiday Grief

Hello Everyone,

As Christmas gets closer and closer, it is a time for family, joy, gifts, parties and merriment. The little ones are looking forward to gifts of all sizes and shapes and they can barely contain their excitement.

For some people, the holidays are a time of sorrow, loneliness and grief. Some people have lost a loved one since the last holiday. The expectation of the spending the once joyful season without that loved one is not a pleasant thought.

This time of year always brings back family memories for many people. If those family members are no longer with us, the holidays can be a very difficult time.

There are professionals in the community that can help you cope with the feeling of loss and despair. If you are feeling blue and depressed, please seek help from your physician, preacher or other person that can get you through this trying time.

I learned of a professional that can help you through this once joyous, but now difficult time.

If needed, please check out:

Marguerite O'Connor is a bereavement educator. She is a licensed funeral director and is a certified death educator.

Hopefully, she will be able to assist you if needed.

Until later,

Dr. Paul

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